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Showing posts with label Rav Biberfeld. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rav Biberfeld. Show all posts

Monday, 11 June 2012

Listen to this - it's brilliant

24 May 2012 -  3 Sivan 5772

 Dear Dovid,
 Last night, Rav Biberfeld gave a shiur pointing out a number of ways how we are affected by todays technology and the reaction to his shiur was amazing.
 A comment which echoed around the room after he had finished was:
"He should have spoken at the kinnus!"

 Seeing as all of us who were at the shiur were very inspired by his down to earth points, I am sure you will be too, so I am emailing you to let you know that the shiur is available online by clicking here (right click to download).

 Please enjoy listening to it, and pass this email on to your friends for them to listen to and pass further, for many people stand to gain a tremendous amount from this shiur.
 By forwarding this email, you have a chance to inspire so many individuals! Think of it as a pyramid scheme. The ones at the top always make money! As you are one of the first to receive this email, you're at the very top! Each every person is inspired to change through you forwarding this shiur, will then be in your zechus!!!!

Dovid Lieberman
Tiferes B'nei Torah