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Friday 10 August 2018


Chevron Yeshiva Forces ‘First Year’ Bochurim To Sign Contract Ensuring Good Behavior – Will Not Attend Hafganos

Following a recent incident involving Bochurim of the Chevron Yeshiva, students in the newest year, Va’ad Aleph, have been ordered to personally report to the Rosh Yeshiva’s house and sign a contract committing to good behavior, as a prerequisite for continuing their studies in the Yeshiva. The students have been instructed to report to the Rosh Yeshiva before the end of Bein Hazmanim.
Bechadrei Charedim reported that all of the first year students received a letter stamped with the seal of Maran Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, that said: “All students from the first year, who wish to continue on to the second year of studies, must undergo another complete entrance process to continue in the Yeshiva.”
A significant portion of the students received phone calls from an unlisted number that played a message instructing them to appear before the Rosh Yeshiva at his home at specific times prior to the end of the vacation period.
So far, eight of the students, of the 80 who have already appeared before the Rosh Yeshiva, were not accepted for the second year.
Among the items listed in the contract that the students were forced to sign were the conditions that the students daven three times a day with the Yeshiva Minyan, that they attend all Sedarim and Shiurim, and that they will not participate in any protests – frequently organized by the Peleg Yerushalmi.

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