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Tuesday, 28 February 2012


Wed, 9pm, BBC2

You may remember Gaby and Tikwah Lock from a terrific and revealing Wonderland film about Hasidic weddings last year. As unorthodox as an Orthodox Jewish couple from Stamford Hill could be, they have been married for 40 years but — until last October — had never been on holiday. 

Paddy Wivell, who made the first film, follows the pair on a Mediterranean cruise that as well as the standard swimming pools, casinos and day trips boasts religious lectures and relationship workshops that aim to bring back the sparkle to a marriage. For the Locks, the cruise gives them the chance to discuss the collection of used light bulbs that Gaby has always refused to throw out.


The documentary series revisits Gaby and Tikwah Lock, a Jewish couple from Stamford Hill, north London who previously featured in a film about Hasidic weddings. This time, the pair invite cameras to follow them as they embark on a 12-day kosher cruise of the Mediterranean on the Golden Iris, which boasts religious lectures and relationship workshops alongside the usual fare of jacuzzi sessions and light entertainment.


Zalmi said...

Lovely show. Well done.

Anonymous said...

whats the point? why did you do this? just in time for Purim? Dont you realize that its a big chitspe to ignore the wishes of stamford hill raunim that you dont go on the tv? you are michsol so many people to look at the tv and the internet to see you staring at some shikses. What kind of hechsher was on that boad? as good as kedasia or badatz? hust git gegeisen but now everyone thinks that we can eat everything on the boad.

Anonymous said...

You are probably right about the first couple of points, but anybody who makes decisions based on what Gaby Lock does is an idiot. I'm afraid to say that you too are one for thinking so.

Anonymous said...

Gaby, a ten inch beard doth not a Rabbi make. So stop calling yourself one. Other than that, I have no real issues with what you did -it's your own dignity you demean.

Anonymous said...


point no. 5 for details of the "hedchsher" ...

Anonymous said...

There follows a free translation of the above link:

National Unit to Enforce Kashrut Fraud
Beit Yahav, 80 Yirmiyahu St. Jerusalem, P.O.B. 752, Tel. 02-5313187, Fax. 02-5313169

29 Shevat 5751 03/02/11
Kosher Update No.: 010/351

5. We point out once again that on 27 Sivan (30.06.08) the National Kashrut Committee of Chief Rabbinate of Israel convened in the presence of the Chief Rabbis of Israel Shlita, in order to discuss the issue of granting approval for ships and cruises that take place on Saturday and Holidays in light of media reports that present the voyages as kosher. The Kashrut Committee members decided not to grant a Hechser for cruises that include sailing on Saturdays and Holidays, even if the Hechsher is for weekdays only and one should not rely on Hechsherim given to these cruises by various factors.
Recently, "Mano Cruises" has advertized cruises presented as kosher under the supervision of "Company Rabbis" - Rabbi Danino Nissim and Rabbi Shimon Tang'i and in tandem "Caspi" advertizes its cruises under the supervision of "Ship Rabbi" - Rabbi Shalom Zadok. We publicly announce that the above are not in any way authorized to grant a Hechsher by the Chief Rabbinate Council and their actions are violating the rules of the Chief Rabbinate. The public should know and beware!

Anonymous said...

very good show. hope to see much more of you on TV. many thanks

Anonymous said...

I think all the haters should just go and eat a big mandingo, like seriously. Our sweet Gaby Lock has seized the opportunity to look at some slidas, so what? Even an old man like Gaby needs his share of slida. We all need this. The person who holds the opposite opinion is either hypocritical or a homosexual!

Michael Otsup, soldier in the IDF army


Anonymous said...

Again I must stress very strongly, gaby, you have to see a brain doctor.

Anonymous said...

In gaby's lingo:
Zei gebensht in a million ways unlike me and keep in the holy ways of our rebbe and change the world and turn it over and do many good deeds and keep well and pray for my holy success and speak to G-D and report to him my misbehaviour and cheer me up and bless me with a refua shleima for you and me and all of us and come closer to G-D and Israel and the whole world and Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Elijah the Prophet and the six million and moshiach and you and all our holy wives and husbands and our holy sweet precious children and Yossele and Rochele and Shprintzele and our brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers and neighbours. So i hope youll forgive me for my obnoxious stupidity now and on thursday night so please forget all about it. From your holy sweet precious friend Joe Schonwald joking thats not really my name but you know the Almighty made us a bit like the High Priest in the Holy temple.

The above is a load of porkies. And as you can see, gaby also manages very well to sprout a load of claptrap and codswallop every time he opens his mouth.

Gaby, I suggest you stop wagging your tongue and allow your microscopic excuse of a brain to catch up.

You certainly are a loudmouthed idiotic imbecile

Anonymous said...

ugh it was enough to put me of ever going on a cruise sorry